Thursday, December 13, 2012

Four Simple Customer Service Lessons

1. People Love People who get Back to Them Quickly
Your customers will be so happy just to know someone responded to their inquiry. The response doesn’t need to be a whole dissertation, just an acknowledgement that someone cares to answer in a timely manner. In the online world, people have become accustomed to sending requests via email thus making it very easy to respond. Make it a point to respond timely or you chance losing a customer.

2. Show and Tell Them; talk is cheaper today than ever before
Nowadays, it’s easier to show people what to do rather than write a long email explaining how to do something. If you really want someone to believe you with hopes getting a response, then provide an easy road map to view.  Most people love visuals while others just don’t like to read.

3. Try to be Everything to Everyone…even though it's not really possible
Remember that people may want you to fix a problem they’re having with your product or service; but just trying to solve the problem will go a long way.  Businesses can’t do what all customers want, but they can sure think about it, and act in caring manner. 

4. Create an FAQ Page
It doesn’t take long to figure out that most customers ask the same questions 95% of the time.  So keep a log of questions and provide direct, yet easy, answers.
In brief, providing great customer service is free. Every company can do great service, but many find themselves getting caught up in complicated processes, old school business practices, and other things that make many others feel lost and in need (of something). In today's world, it is so easy to stand out by doing a few things right. 
Keep It Simple and Smart!


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