The Sales function is to
own specific customer relationships, which is right and proper. Sales can and
should represent those customers’ needs and priorities within the organization. Sales must focus on building specific
relationships with specific prospective buying customers.
Marketing must own the
customer by developing and sharing insight on what customers, in general, want and care about;
especially the specific customers that the company is not yet doing business
with. Marketing is uniquely situated to focus on understanding the potential buyer
and using that understanding to guide company initiatives from product
development to go-to-market strategy.
Fact is, most companies are unable to stay current with the evolving trends pertaining to sales (building relationships) and marketing (establishing channels). So, SMC wants to fill that need, and therefore has created a Sales and Marketing Department to assist our clients with managing these two very important roles.
What does the SMC Blueprint look like?
SMC’s guidance to
sales and marketing include practical tactics for improving the social collaboration
and potential of sales and marketing to meet quotas and deliver the best
possible experience. SMC will focus on the following initiatives:
- Maximizing the results of sales and marketing by leveraging technology
- Adopting dedicated applications to increase sales and marketing effectiveness
- Using new best practices to maximize use of sales and marketing department
If you are still wondering what all this means, SMC has set up an OSMD (Outsourced Sales and Marketing Department) to help its clients implement proven and innovative strategies that work to increase your profitability and position your brand. By utilizing our OSMD service, it allows our clients to completely step away (if they so choose of course) from their marketing responsibilities and focus on all other aspects of the operation.
There is no long term contract required for these services. Fees are based on your selection of services. The illustration below best summarizes today's playing field: